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Pop down the local ...because small growers using indigenous grapes are making some knockout wines “Fa poc vaig assistir a Viñateros, una degustació realitzada per importadors I viticultors espanyols. La seva passió pels vins elaborats a partir de varietats autòctones es basa en la creença que un gran vi es fa a la vinya i no al celler.”
Top wines from 2016 that can be enjoyed now. “My standard disclaimer is that these may not be the finest wines I tasted last year (I am quite spoiled in that regard), but they represent a selection that I turned to many times over the course of the year because they offer a lot of pleasure for the buck.”
People Pepe Raventós. “Under the motto “Back home, back to our roots”, he presented himself as a happy, biodynamic winegrower ploughing his land with his horse Bru and his puppy, a Labrador appropriately named Bronx given that he and his family spent five years in America. During that period, Pepe not only reinforced the presence of his sparkling wines in the US market; he started seeing things with a wider perspective.”
Can Cava Convince the World It’s Worth $200 a Bottle? “Things came to a head a few years ago, when the rebellious owner of first-rate winery Raventós i Blanc declared that cava had such a bad image, he would no longer put the word on his labels. He came up with his own version of an appellation—Conca del Riu Anoia—and set off a cava war. “
We explain the anecdotes and news that happen in every corner of our farm.
From the winery to the farm
If you want to live our day to day on the farm
Follow us on @raventosiblanc
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