Category archive:Walks

The Spring of Futuro Viñador

– Mediterranean Mosaic – “Mediterraneanism is the most poetic attitude to inhabit a landscape.” In February 2020 we announced that FUTURO VIÑADOR was no longer just a dream: the association that 16 Spanish producers had spent more than a year enthusiastically drawing up; all those meetings, trips, and lengthy talks was finally a reality: Futuro […]

Pruning secrets and techniques

    Pruning ends with the end of winter and begins with the coldest months from November to the beginning of March, months when the vine is still sleeping. Pruning seems like an easy job; shears in hand and cutting shoots, but the truth is not so. It is a job for experts that must […]

A Harvest to forget

The first forecasts, with a winter and early spring generous in water, seemed to announce a good harvest, far from those years of prolonged drought. But, if public health has been tragically threatened by the Covid19 , the health of the vineyards has also suffered a historic blow. While the beneficial autumn rains helped to […]

Travelling to the soul of wines

“Le vin est la plus saine et la plus hygiénique des boissons” Louis Pasteur As Pepe Raventós always says, travelling helps you open your mind and gives you a different perspective about everything in life. Trips to Burgundy, Barolo, Champagne…, you see how things have been done well, and you gain a better understanding of the real path. We travel, we learn and we realize that we have a […]

Who lives in our vineyards?

The biodiversity of the estate allows us to combine and preserve tradition and heritage. The centuries-old winegrowing tradition of the estate and the nearby forest and lake as well as the historical natural heritage of flora and fauna. A group of experts has therefore been studying our estate and its habitat and, with their help, we […]

Animal traction at the estate


During the last few weeks we have strapped the strains, plowed and planted. All this with our tools and the best possible mate, the Breton horse Bru. The recovery of this way of working is more than a spiritual connection between man, plant, animal and earth. From a practical and viticultural point of view working […]

The biodynamic preparations of Autumn

Biodynamic agriculture is, within the ecological viticulture, the most meticulous, deep and spiritual of all the options to practice in the vineyard. Biodynamics is also a philosophy, a commitment that we acquire with the plant and the earth. Our goal is to give life to the soil and ensure a good balance to the biodiversity […]

Tracció animal a les vinyes


Durant les últimes setmanes hem calçat els ceps, llaurat i sembrat. Tot això amb les nostres eines i el millor company possible, el cavall bretó Bru. La recuperació d’aquesta forma de treballar és més que una connexió espiritual entre l’home, l’animal,  la planta i la terra. Des d’un punt de vista pràctic i vitícola treballar […]

The Raventós i Blanc Oak Says Goodbye


Our symbol, the 550 year old Oak , is not going to wake up anymore . Nature taking its course. Being tired for the last time , he has decided to say farewell. Imposing. Monumental. Magnificent. He was the only living witness of the 22 generations of the same family that has worked our farm. […]

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